Andy Warhol - Campbells Soup Cans II: Scotch Broth (FS II.55)
Artist: Andy Warhol
Year: 1969
Medium: Portfolio of ten screenprints on paper
Edition: Edition of 250. Signed and numbered in ball-point pen and numbered with a rubber stamp on verso. There are 26 AP signed and lettered A - Z in ball point pen on verso.
Size: 35” x 23”
Original Campbell's Soup Cans Print by Andy Warhol
Campbell’s Soup Cans II: Scotch Broth 55 by Andy Warhol is one of ten prints from the 1969 Campbell’s Soup Cans II portfolio. These prints featured additional flavors the brand created. This series, which expands on his Campbell’s Soup Cans I prints from the previous year, is based on Warhol’s original 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans paintings from 1962. Warhol’s signature Pop Art soup cans took the art world by storm. Warhol wanted to draw artistic attention to common items, which greatly fascinated him. With his Campbell’s Soup Cans, Warhol challenged ideas of what could be deemed socially and artistically acceptable. Today, the Campbell’s Soup Cans II portfolio is one of Warhol’s most valuable print series of all time.
Campbell’s Soup Cans II: Scotch Broth 55 exhibits Warhol's signature design techniques and philosophy concerning consumerism, advertising, and mass production. Although Warhol’s 1969 portfolio still presents the same familiar red and white design, Campbell’s Soup Cans II showcases ten additional Campbell’s flavors. This new collection of prints has the same trademark design, but with the addition of new graphics. In place of the traditional Campbell’s golden seal, the label on Scotch Broth 55 reads: “One of the Manhandlers: Scotch Broth (a hearty soup).” This design fits well into Warhol’s already existing soup creations, representing the furthest development from his original paintings, considering the additional illustrations.