Fashion Portrait of Andy Warhol (Rupert Jasen Smith and Hedy Klineman)

Artist: Rupert Jasen Smith

Year: 1989

Medium: Screen print on Lennox Museum Board. Signed and numbered in pencil

Edition: PP 6/10

Size: 36 x 36 in.

Fashion Portrait of Andy Warhol (1988) is a collaborative screenprint artwork by Rupert Jasen Smith and Hedy Klineman. 

Rather than a traditional portrait of the artist, the work presents an image of Warhol’s iconic glasses, rendered in delicate lines and highlighted by vibrant pink tones. This composition distills the essence of Warhol's public image, symbolized through one of his most recognizable personal items.

Smith, Warhol’s master printer and longtime collaborator, played a pivotal role in executing many of Warhol’s printed works during the final decade of his career. His technical expertise in screenprinting is reflected in the precise detailing of this piece. Klineman, whose artistic journey spans multiple decades and mediums, brought her background in fashion and fabric art to the collaboration. Known for her “Fashion Portrait” series, in which she used clothing and accessories from celebrities to capture their essence, Klineman contributed a conceptual layer to the work, paying homage to Warhol's fascination with celebrity and self-presentation.

The piece was produced as a limited edition screenprint with diamond dust, giving the work a tactile and reflective quality. Signed by Klineman, and numbered as a printer’s proof (PP 6/10), this print is part of a small, exclusive run, with only 100 standard edition pieces, along with additional proofs and artist’s editions.

This particular work exemplifies the collaborative spirit that defined much of Warhol’s later years, combining the precision of Smith’s printmaking with Klineman’s conceptual approach, while subtly memorializing Warhol through one of his most iconic possessions.

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